Media Room










SMI's President and Managing Director, Mr. Luke Bencie, giving CBC News some information on the crimes in Rio during the Olympics


The Security Middle East Conference - Luke Bencie Interview

Following the talent gap panel at the Security Middle East Conference, we had the chance to catch up with Luke Bencie from SMI Consulting. Who discussed the role of our education partner the University of South Florida and the importance of clear career paths for the progression of youths in Saudi Arabia and around the world.

Luke Bencie -International Safety and Intellectual Property Protection-

"Protect Your Intellectual Property and Business Intelligence from Corporate Espionage"04/

GLOSERV Strategic Security and Tactical Counter-Espionage in a Post-Pandemic World


Luke Bencie Speaks at AFIO Luncheon:

Part 1 | Economic Espionage  


Part 2 | Corporate Espionage | Security Management Int'l